Why The Wilmington Times?

The answer is: We live, work and play here.  We are involved with our community daily. This allows us to maintain this site fresh with new information and up to date visual tours.

Advertise by becoming a sponsor business of The Wilmington Times. It is very affordable advertising and very effective. No payment is required at this time.  You will receive an invoice that you may pay via credit/debit card or check from our Wave accounting system with any specials applied. There are 3 levels of sponsorship and 1 level of membership with the following features:

Basic Membership - Free
Per Year
Business Name
Business Address
Phone Number
Map to Location
Free Setup
Start Free Membership
Standard Sponsorship - $25/Year (50% Off)
Per Year
Just $2.08 per month (billed yearly)
Business Name
Business Logo
Business Address
Phone Number
Business Description
Map to Location
Ability to Post Employment Listings
Positioned Above Free Listings on the Search Results
Free Limited Time Setup Fee ($90 Value)
Start Standard Sponsorship
Premium Sponsorship - $50/Year (50% Off)
Per Year
Just $4.17 per month (billed yearly)
Business Name
Business Logo
Business Address
Phone Number
Website Address
Email Address (optional)
Featured Image
Business Description
Map to Location
Positioned Above Standard Sponsors on the Search Results
Ability to Post Calendar and Special Events
Ability to Post Employment Listings
Free Limited Time Setup Fee ($149 Value)
Start Premium Sponsorhip
Platinum Sponsorship - $175/Year (50% Off)
Per Year
Just $14.58 per month (billed yearly)
Business Name
Business Logo
Business Address
Phone Number
Website Address
Social Media Links
Email Address (optional)
Featured Image
Business Description
Map to Location
Ability to Post Calendar and Special Events
Ability to Post Employment Listings
Top Positioning on the Business Directory Search Results
Your Social Media Icon Links
Featured on our Weekly Newsletter
Featured on our Social Media Portals
250 x 250 Ad on Most Pages
Free Limited Time Setup Fee ($195 Value)
Start Platinum Sponsorship

Note: Membership or Sponsorship in the Wilmington Times is limited to businesses and organizations that are in New Hanover and Brunswick Counties and that provide products or services to the Wilmington and surrounding areas.  The Wilmington Times reserves the right to deny membership to anyone at its own discretion.